The spectacular facade of San Miniato in Florence inspired Alberti's completion of the facade of Santa Maria Novella.
Андреа да Фирензе
Распятие с предстоящими {2753}
Сошествие во ад
Торжество св. Фомы и Аллегория наук
Масаччо Т. {1474}
Троица Мазаччо {1474}
. . . (см. работы Андреа да Фирензе)
Липпи Ф.
Распятие св. Филиппа
Св. Иоанн Богослов
Истязание св. Иоанна Богослова
Страшный суд {3211}
The painter's imagination was faithful to the contract and even surpassed it. He introduced a giraffe, for example, possibly the one (the gift of a sultan) that wandered around in the gardens of Lorenzo il Magnifico and died by hitting its head against an architrave, as well as the rarest birds, glimpsed one supposes in some aviary. In accordance with Tornabuoni's wishes, and again even exceeding them, he painted a profusion of ancient monuments that were presumably drawn from his notebook containing sketches of the Forum ruins, compiled in Rome during his stay in that city of 1481 - 82.
Крещение Христа
Встреча Марии с Елизаветой {2606}
Джованна Торнабуони и её свита
Обручение Марии {4111}
Явление ангела Захарии в храме
Пьеро делла Франческа