Монастырь Антония Римлянина
Monastery of St Antony of Rome
Одно из самых живописных мест Новгорода.
По преданию его основал в 1106 Антоний Римлянин. Легенда, как и все монастырские легенды, невероятна, но красива. Антоний родился в Риме в 1067. Был богат. В 18 лет постригся в монахи, а свое богатство - золото и серебро - сложил в бочку и бросил в море. Через 20 лет он удалился на скалу, молясь о спасении православия. Однажды поднялась страшная буря и камень, на котором молился Антоний, понесло по морю, как ладью. Через два дня, в день праздника Рождества БР, он оказался в Новгороде. Место, куда его принесли волны, и стало монастырём. Через несколько лет рыбаки выловили бочку. Денег, лежавших в ней, хватило на строительство каменной церкви и приобретение земли.
Закладка каменного собора Рождества БР - это первая твердая дата в истории монастыря.
Реальная история монастыря типична для средневековья: он горел и отстраивался заново, в 1570 под мечом опричнины пали настоятель Геласий и все монахи, в 1611 его разорили шведы.

Monastery, shown on the left side of a 17th-century engraving from the famous travel account by Adam Olearius, is located north of the center of Novgorod on the East side of the Volkhov River.

According to tradition, Anthony was from Rome (hence he is called "Rimlianin").
We know about him primarily from a Vita written late in the 15th century and a 16th-century sermon praising him, that is, from texts written centuries after he came to Novgorod.
His Vita relates how he fled persecution of the Orthodox by the Roman Catholic Church.
Caught in a storm while on his ship, he was saved by the miraculous appearance of a stone, on which he could stand, and when the weather cleared, he discovered he was in Novgorod, at the location where he then founded his monastery early in the 12th century.
He is mentioned in the Novgorod chronicles under the years 1117 and 1147.
The miraculous stone was in fact later transported into the main church of the monastery, the cathedral of Birth of Virgin, where it was revered for its miraculous powers--a good example of popular Orthodox belief which in many different places both in Russia and in the Orthodox East included among holy relics stones considered to possess such powers.
Miracles connected with the stone were recorded in the 16th and 17th centuries; the author of one of the most interesting accounts about Muscovy, Deacon Paul of Aleppo, who visited Novgorod in 1655, mentioned the cult of Anthony and the miraculous stone.

With the exception of the main church, the original buildings of the monastery have not survived.

On the left are the 19th-century gate and the refectory Church of the presentation, built in the 16th century.
At one time the monastery housed the theological academy created as a result of the early 18th-century church reform under Peter the Great; one of the academy buildings is extant.
Зодчий Пётр.
собор Рождества БР
cathedral of Birth of Virgin
церковь Сретения, трапезная
refectory church of Purification
корпуса Настоятельский и Казначейский
10 колоколов Софийской звонницы (16 - 19 вв.), недавно возвращённые в Новгород, в западном притворе

камень Антония, в западном притворе

настоятель Геласий ( - 1570)
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сайт Новгородский музей-заповедник
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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