Богородичная церковь
Cave church St Bogorodica Pestanska
East of Lake Ohrid, near the village of Pestani, on the right-hand side of the road, is the cave church St Bogorodica, built in the rocks.
We do not know exactly when the church was constructed, nor do we know when the fresco painting took place.
The entire interior of the church is covered with frescoes. In this, indeed as well as in all cave churches, the compositions are of small dimensions.
The most prominent ones in this church are the scenes of the Great Holidays ("Triumphal Entry", "Ascendance of Christ", "Ascendance of the Holy Mother"), and the portraits of SS Clement and Naum.
Considering the religious devotion towards these two saints, one can assume that the church originates from the middle of the XIV century.
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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