Церковь Санта Мария сопра Минерва
Church of St Maria above Minerva, Santa Maria sopra Minerva
The first church was built at the end of the 3rd or in the first half of the 4th century. It was built on the ruins of a Roman temple, probably dedicated to Minerva Chalcidia.
The present church dates to ~1280, and since 1370 became an important church for the Dominicans. The architects were probably Fra Sisto and Fra Ristoro of Arezzo, and the work was ordered by Pope Nicholas III.
In the 17th century, Carlo Maderno renovated the church.
It has been renovated several times, with the last major work done in the 19th century by Fra Girolamo Bianchedi.
The current titular priest of the church is H.E.Cormac Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor, Archbishop of Westminster, England. He was appointed on February 21, 2001.
35 Via del Beato Angelico / 42 Piazza della Minerva
Normally open 08.00 to 19.00
Gothic church dedicated to Our Lady.
С 1280. Фасад - 1453.

The exterior is not very impressing, but you can see one unique thing about this church - the rose windows show that this is a Gothic church, the only Medieval church in this style in Rome. The facade was added in 1453, and is attributed to Meo del Caprina. It was paid for by the Orsini family.

What you will certainly notice is the curious statue of an elephant carrying a small Egyptian obelisk. The elephant was probably made by Bernini, and the obelisk, dating from the 6th century BC, was found in the ruins of the temple of Isis and Serapis. The obelisk was decicated to Pharaoh Ofra, who is mentioned in the Bible (Jeremiah 44.30).
Church is in the Gothic style - notice that it has pointed arches rather than the rounded ones commonly found in Rome. The impression was partially destroyed by Carlo Maderno, who added Baroque elements to the 13th century nave.
главный престол
high altar
придел Алдобрандини
chapel of Aldobrandini
придел Благовещения
chapel of Annunciation
придел Грациоли
chapel of Grazioli
придел Капраника, или придел Розари
chapel of Capranica, or chapel of the Rosary
придел Карафа, или св. Фомы Аквинского
chapel of Carafa, or chapel of St Thomas of Aquino
придел Ланте делла Ровере
chapel of Lante della Rovere
придел св. Гиацинта
chapel of St Hyacinth
придел св. Доминика
chapel of St Dominic
придел св. Раймонда
chapel of St Raymond of Penafort
Cappela Frangipane e Maddaleni-Capiferro
the room beyond the sacristy
stained glass windows
Анджелико Ф.
Blessed Fra Angelico
Диотисалви Нероне ( - 1482)
Diotisalvi Nerone
Дуранд Г.
Guilaumme Durand, Bishop of Mende ( - 1296)
Pope Clement VII ( - 1523 - 34)
Pope Leo X ( - 1513 - 21)
Торнабуони Ф.
Francesco Tornabuoni ( - 1480)
плита мемориальная:
Besides the tombs of the two Medici popes, there is a memorial plaque to the humanist Pietro Bembo ( - 1547), in the centre of the floor.
On April 29th, the feast of St Catherine is celebrated with great solemnity.
The ceremony starts with a gathering outside the church, where runners arrive from Siena with a burning torch of 'Faith and Love'.
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Virgin museum
Peter museum
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