Собор Девы Марии
Cathedral of Virgin Maria
Still protected by its 12th century wall, the Episcopalians city along the sea front is certainly the most attractive quarter of old Tartous. You will visit the Cathedral, a superb monument of Gothic style of the late 12th and early 13th centuries, built on the site of a Byzantine church which had been for a long time a very famous place of pilgrimage. There, in fact, stood the altar and icon of the Virgin that had miraculously survived the terrible earthquake in 387 and were covered by a small chapel. The door giving access to this primitive chapel and through which the pilgrims entered is said to have been preserved by the Frankish architects when they built the cathedral. It must have been located on the stone cube on which the central pillar of the left colonnade (inside the cathedral) sits. The cathedral has been turned into a museum with various antiques, whether Syro-Phoenician from Ras Shamra or Amrit, Roman, Byzantine, Frank, or Muslim. There is also a scale model of the Krak des Chevaliers (Qalat al-Hosn), and ethnographic collections. Do not miss going up on the terraced roof in order to feel the atmosphere of this peaceful quarter.
The cathedral dedicated to the Virgin Mary by St Peter and which is now a museum.
Тартус (Сирия)
предмет с изображением:
посвящённый предмет:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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