Собор Нотр-Дам
Cathedral of Notre-Dame
It was declared World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.
Турне (Бельгия)
Отличительной особенностью архитектуры является богатство скульптурных украшений его пяти башнень.
Стиль архитектуры, в котором построен собор, является предвестником готического стиля.
В 13 в. собор достроен хорами, в архитектурном отношении выдержанными уже в готическом стиле.

The cathedral bears witness to a considerable exchange of influence between the architecture of the Ile de France, the Rhineland, and Normandy during the short period at the beginning of the 12th century that preceded the flowering of Gothic architecture. In its imposing dimensions, cathedral is an outstanding example of the great edifices of the school of the north of the Seine, precursors of the vastness of the Gothic cathedrals. It is especially distinguished by a Romanesque nave of extraordinary dimensions, a wealth of sculpture on its capitals and a transept topped by five towers, all precursors of the Gothic style. The choir, rebuilt in the 13th century, is in the pure Gothic style.

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